Lectures, workshops and round-tables bring experts and distinguished scholars in the areas of environmental science, policy and law to campus to add to the knowledge students gain through their coursework.
We offer an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts major in Environmental Studies for students who have an abiding interest in the general environmental problems faced by humans, and with special concern for their humanistic, policy, and social science aspects. Themes for this major include Environmental Policy, Politics and Economics, Environmental Planning, Environmental Ethics/Humanities, Environmental Advocacy, International Environmental Perspectives, Environmental and Human Health, and Perspectives on Sustainability.
We also offer a Bachelor of Arts major in Environmental Science as a coordinate major. This major is only available to students who also major in biology, chemistry, or geology, and therefore may be thought of as a means of adding an environmental concentration to a B.A. science degree. Complementing the depth of knowledge in the student's primary area of study, the B.A. in Environmental Science provides breadth across the interdisciplinary field of environmental science.
Students and faculty work at four natural areas in the local region and in many other locales in the rural ridge-and-valley landscape and beyond. These sites include coal mines, landfills, state forests, limestone valleys, Virginia beaches, Florida scrublands and California deserts.
Environmental studies students work closely with the Bucknell University Environmental Center (BUEC). At the center, faculty, staff and students collaborate on environmental and nature-related learning, teaching, scholarship, service and action projects at local, regional, national and international levels.