The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences is the official publication for the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS). Interdisciplinary environmental studies require an integration of many different scientific and professional disciplines. The AESS and the Journal provide fora for the advancement of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the coupled human-nature systems. A major goal of AESS is to encourage this advancement by promoting related teaching, research and service and by facilitating communication across boundaries that may inhibit environmental discourse across traditional academic disciplines—for example, between and among the physical, biological, social sciences, the humanities, and environmental professions. This commitment also involves supporting the professional development of Association members and advancing the educational status of Environmental Studies and Sciences programs.
The Journal provides a peer-reviewed, academically rigorous and professionally recognized venue for the publication of explicitly interdisciplinary environmental research, policy analysis and advocacy, educational discourse and other related matters. Contributions are welcome from any discipline or combination of disciplines, any vocation or professional affiliation, any national, ethnic or cultural background. Articles may relate to any historical and global setting. These contributions should explicitly involve multi-disciplinary or trans-disciplinary aspects of environmental issues; and identify the way(s) in which the work will contribute to environmental research, policy making, advocacy, education, or related activities. The Journal provides several submission categories:
- Research and Theory (3000-6000 words): an article reporting the results of rigorous study to create new knowledge about or enhanced understanding of environmental issues. Such articles might involve (1) findings of formal research projects; (2) meta-analyses of the results from multiple studies; or (3) systematic analyses of two or more case studies. Articles may also explore new theoretical and conceptual matters relevant to interdisciplinary environmental study.
- Research Brief (< 3000 words): a shorter, concise description of current research or related activities relevant to the environment.
- Environmental Education (3000-5000 words): a contribution relating to any education venue and concerning inter-disciplinary environmental education, practice, and theory at the level of community colleges, undergraduate and graduate or professional education.