What is the study of the Environment?

April 1, 2015
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The Institute for the Study of Environment, Sustainability, and Energy (ESE) exists to foster research, education, and community engagement about the environment and sustainability.

The ESE Institute offers two undergraduate degrees in environmental studies: a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. These interdisciplinary programs feature classes and research led by NIU faculty from several different colleges. To further customize your course of study, you can draw from your personal, intellectual, and professional interests to choose from the following six areas of emphasis:

We also offer a minor in environmental studies and a teacher certification program in environmental science.

Recognizing that some of the best learning occurs outside of the classroom, students are encouraged to participate in hands-on learning through for-credit internships and faculty-led research projects, in addition to getting involved in on-campus activities through NIU’s Green Living Community and native plant garden.

Source: www.niu.edu
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