Scholarships are available according to major. There are 2 groups of majors. Please look for your PRIMARY major to see the list of scholarships that are available for that major. Please keep in mind that many of the scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement. Therefore, rising juniors and seniors are generally most competitive for the majority of scholarships.
Exploratory Track in Natural Science
Exploratory Track students should look for the major that most closely resembles their academic plans.
Animal Science, Building & Construction Technology, Earth Systems, Environmental Science, Food Science, Geography, Geology, Natural Resources Conservation, Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, Pre-Veterinary, Sustainable Food & Farming, Sustainable Horticulture, Turfgrass Science & Management, Stockbridge School of Agriculture AS majors.
Arvo "Pop" Aho Memorial Scholarship Fund
Need-based scholarship. Must be a North-Central MA resident with an interest in production agriculture or related industries.
Ascension Farm School Fund
Students in agriculturally-related majors. Resident of Berkshire, Hampden, Hampshire or Franklin Counties.
Robert Burrell Memorial Scholarship
Eligible recipients are rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors who have shown financial need and academic ability and have earned a grade point average of 3.0 or above in the most recent semester. Preference given to students interested in biological control or entomology research.
George M. and Edith H. Codding Scholarship
Open to students who graduated from public schools in Taunton or Martha's Vineyard. You must apply using the attached Codding Scholarship Application. The application deadline is May 1.
Fred Farwell Family Memorial Scholarship
Agriculture or Natural Resources majors (Horticulture preferred). Scholarship based on need and participation in athletics and other university activities.
J.D.W. French Scholarship
Need-based scholarship open to Vet and Animal Science and Forestry Majors.
Stanley Jez Scholarship
Scholarship open to students majoring in forestry, environmental science, or arboriculture. Preference given to Catholic students from the Immaculate Conception Parish of Indian Orchard, MA or the Holy Trinity Parish of Westfield, MA. Second preference will be given to Catholic applicants from any Catholic high school in the Springfield Diocese. Third preference will be given to applicants submitted by the Bishop of Springfield. Fourth preference will be given to applicants submitted by a Bishop from another Catholic Diocese in Massachusetts. Absent sufficient applicants above, eligible students in forestry or other environmental studies programs will be considered. The application deadline is May 1. You must apply using the attached Jez Scholarship Application.
Robert McGorum Scholarship
Awarded to students in Horticulture (on even years).
Albert and Helen Meserve Scholarship
Need-based scholarship open to students in arboriculture, horticulture, and forestry or other studies connected with ecology, conservation and tree care.
New York Farmers Scholarship
Need-based scholarship open to students interested in food, agriculture or the environment and active in campus activities.
Porter L. Newton Scholarship
Need-based scholarship open to students in Agriculture; preference to Middlesex County residents.
Henry B. Peirson Memorial Scholarship
Open to worthy students with preference to those studying forest and shade tree insects.
Frank Plumb Scholarship
Need-based scholarship open to students in Agriculture.
Robert H. and Patricia A. Ruf Scholarship Fund
Scholarship awarded to rising sophomore or junior students who are matriculated in one of the Life, Environmental or Agricultural Sciences.
Astronomy, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Microbiology, Physics, Psychology, Science.
Eleanor W. Bateman '23 Family Scholarship
Merit-based scholarship.
Luise Bronner Scholarship Fund
Provides 2 scholarships: one for a student majoring in science, and one for a student majoring in languages.
Joya Chakrabarty Memorial Scholarship
Need-based scholarship awarded to a rising sophomore with academic excellence and a 3.5 or higher GPA.
Otto Degener Scholarship
Need-based scholarship awarded to one or more students who show both academic excellence and financial need. Preference is given to students of biology or botany.
Verne & Irene Fogg Scholarship
Need-based scholarship open to students working to finance their own education.
Hokkaido Scholarship
Scholarship for students based on academic achievement, need, and participation in campus activities. Preference given to students with interest in Japan and its people and culture.
Marions Mahoney Scholarship
Annual scholarship awarded to two rising juniors or seniors in good academic standing who are female U.S. citizens interested in teaching mathematics or science after graduation.
George H. and Lillian Millman Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for a full-time student. Recipient must demonstrate financial need, be eligible for financial aid, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Dr. Arthur and Dr. Helen Poland Scholarship
Scholarship for a rising junior in good academic standing, with preference to a student with demonstrated financial need and a strong work ethic. This is a two-year award.
C.D. Youngren Scholarship Fund
Supports a stipend and laboratory expenses for a student engaged in a research opportunity during the summer following her/his junior year and continuing through her/his senior year. Recipient will be an outstanding student in natural sciences or mathematics.