Lower Division:
Take all the following courses:
- BIOL 211 Introduction to Evolution and Diversity (4)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CHEM 111A with a grade of "C" or better. - BIOL 212 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (4)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisites: BIOL 211, CHEM 111A with grades of "C" or better. Prequisite/Corequisite: CHEM 111B. - BIOL 213 Introduction to Ecology and Physiology (4)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisites: BIOL 211, BIOL 212, CHEM 111B, each with a grade of "C" or better. - BIOL 260 Biostatistics (3)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisites: BIOL 211 or BIOL 207 or MICR 200; MATH 111 or MATH 113 or MATH 119A or MATH 122 all with a grade of "C" or better. - CHEM 111A General Chemistry (5)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisites: A passing score on the Chemistry Placement Examination.
Corequisite: MATH 109 or higher. - CHEM 111B General Chemistry (5)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisites: CHEM 111A and MATH 113 or MATH 115 or MATH 117 or MATH 119A or MATH 122 all with a grade of "C" or better. - CHEM 227 (or CHEM 220A) Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (3)
Prerequisite: CHEM 111A with a grade of "C" or better; CHEM 111B is recommended. - ECON 101 (or 300, with advisor approval) Principles of Microeconomics (3)
* "C" or better required
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MATH 103 or higher. - ES P 200 California Environmental Issues (3)
Prerequisites/Corequisites: (GEOL 102, GEOL 104 OR GEOG 140 or GEOG 130) and (BIOL 200 or BIOL 211 or ECON 101 or ECON 300); or instructor consent. - GEOL 102 General Geology (3)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: A course that fulfills the A.1 GE requirement and three years of high school mathematics including algebra, geometry, and intermediate algebra or the equivalent. - GEOL 104 Geology Laboratory (1)
("C" or better required)
Prerequisites/Corequisites: A course that fulfills the A.1 GE requirement and three years of high school mathematics including algebra, geometry, and intermediate algebra or the equivalent, and concurrent or prior enrollment in GEOL 102. - GEOL 280 Water Resources and Society (3)
Prerequisites: GEOL 102, GEOL 104. Four years of high school mathematics.
Take one the following courses:
- MATH 122 Calculus I (4)
*"C" or better required.
Prerequisite: Appropriate MDPT placement or a grade of "C" or better in MATH 111 and MATH 113. - Or
- MATH 119A Survey of Calculus I (3)
("C" or better required)
Prerequisite: Appropriate MDPT placement or a grade of "C" or better in MATH 113.
- MATH 123 Calculus II (4)
Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in MATH 122. - MATH 119B Survey of Calculus II (3)
Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in MATH 119A or MATH 122.
- PHYS 151 (or PHYS 100A with advisor approval) Mechanics and Heat (4)
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MATH 122. - PHYS 100A General Physics (4)
Prerequisite: MATH 109 or MATH 113 or MATH 119A or MATH 122
(BIOL 111, BIOL 111L, BIOL 212, BIOL 212L, BIOL 213, BIOL 213L are required if courses were taken prior to catalog year 2010-11; also, if a transfer student took courses equivalent to BIOL 211, BIOL 212, or BIOL 213 at another institution without labs, they must take BIOL 212L, BIOL 213L, and BIOL 213L here)
Upper Division:
- BIOL 350 General Ecology (3)
Prerequisites: BIOL 211, BIOL 212, BIOL 213, BIOL 260; MATH 119A or MATH 122 all with a grade of "C" or better. - ES P 300 Environmental Law and Policy (3)
Prerequisites: ESP 200 and upper division standing; or consent of instructor. - ES P 400 Environmental Science and Policy Capstone Project (3)
Prerequisites: BIOL 350 or ESP 330; ECON 306 or ECON 462 or ECON 463 or ECON 464 or CE 406; ESP 300; GEOG 481 or GEOL 473; GEOL 300; OR consent of instructor. In addition, students must have scored 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination or completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequiste for GWAR. - GEOL 300 Earth Systems and Global Change (3)
Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirement, upper division standing, and CHEM 100 or CHEM 111A or GEOL 102 or GEOL 106 with a grade of "C" or better.
- GEOG 481 Geographic Information Science for Natural Sciences (4)
Prerequisites: Junior/Senior/Graduate standing; GEOG 140 or BIOL 153 or GEOL 102. - GEOG 473 Remote Sensing (4)
Source: www.csulb.edu