Energy & Environmental Science is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing original (primary) research and review articles, the journal publishes work of an interdisciplinary nature in the (bio)chemical and (bio)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines. Energy & Environmental Science is published monthly by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), a not-for-profit publisher. Energy & Environmental Science is a leading journal: it has a 2009 impact factor of 8.500, ranking it 8th among 140 journals in the category "Chemistry, Multidisciplinary", second among 71 journals in the category "Energy & Fuels", second among 128 journals in the category "Engineering, Chemical", and first among 181 scientific journals in the category "Environmental Sciences". Energy & Environmental Science publishes the following types of articles: Research Papers (original scientific work); Review Articles, Perspectives and Minireviews (feature review-type articles of broad interest); Communications (original scientific work of an urgent nature), Opinions (personal, often speculative, viewpoints or hypotheses on a current topic) and Analysis Articles (in-depth examination of energy and