Just down the street...
More than half of CIRES' researchers work at NOAA's prestigious Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) in the David Skaggs Research Center. With the benefit of state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment, our researchers there participate in all aspects of ESRL's work.
Other CIRES researchers collaborate with NOAA's Space Environment Center and National Geophysical Data Center.
CIRES is a NOAA Cooperative Institute - a partnership between a university research organization and NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR). CIRES research is guided and sustained by a Cooperative Agreement, reviewed every five years and funded by Congress through NOAA. The dynamic and ongoing interactions between CIRES and NOAA research laboratories are key to the purpose and success of both.
Beginning in the 1960's, based on successful collaborative research between the University of Colorado and NOAA labs in Boulder, OAR initiated the Joint Institutes program by establishing the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado. Since then, 22 other OAR Cooperative Institutes have joined the NOAA research network. Through NOAA's academic partners, scientists, engineers, technicians, and graduate students participate in furthering knowledge of natural phenomena and environmental processes.
Partnership Payoffs
The CIRES-NOAA partnership fosters a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the complex problems facing our nation's decision makers. Implementing truly integrated research requires a unique combination of leadership, scientific expertise, and necessary infrastructure. CIRES and NOAA have been creating these relationships for decades.