Faculty & Student News
Selected publications by students and faculty:
Gardner, J.R., T.R. Fisher, T.E. Jordan and K.L. Knee. 2016. Balancing watershed nitrogen budgets: accounting for biogenic gases in streams. Biogeochemistry, in press. This article was profiled in Shorelines, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center's blog.
Pinkerton K (G), DM Baker, MR Cuddy (U), LJ Raymundo KA Meyer (U) &K Kim. "Nitrogen dynamics on Guam as revealed by the seagrass Enhalus acoroides." Marine Ecology Progress Series (accepted with minor revisions).
MacAvoy SE, V. Bacalan (G), M. Kazantseva (G), J. Rhodes (G), K. Kim. in press. "Sulfur isotopes show importance of freshwater primary production for Florida, USA, manatees." Marine Mammal Science.
Kraeer K (G), L Arneson, SE MacAvoy. 2014. "The intraspecies relationship between tissue turnover and metabolic rate in rats." Ecological Research 29(5): 937-947.
Connor NC (G), Sarraino S (G), Frantz D (U), Bushaw-Newton K, MacAvoy SE. 2014. "Geochemical characteristics of an urban river: influences of an anthropogenic landscape." Applied Geochemistry 47:209-216.
Redding JE (G), RL Myers-Miller, DM Baker, M Fogel, LJ Raymundo, K Kim. 2013. "Link between sewage-derived nitrogen pollution and coral disease severity in Guam." Marine Pollution Bulletin 73: 57-63.
Harrison G (G), Kim K & Collins AG. 2013. "Low genetic diversity of the putatively introduced, brackish water hydrozoan, Blackfordia virginica (Leptothecata, Blackfordiidae), throughout the United States, with a new record for Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana." Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 126(2): 91-102.
MacAvoy SE, S. Lazarov, K Kraeer (G) and L Arneson. 2012. "Sex and strain differences in isotope turnover rates and metabolism in mice (Mus musculus)." Canadian Journal of Zoology 90(8): 984-990.
Kim K, S Morawski (U). 2012. "Quantifying the impact of going trayless in a university dining hall." Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 7:482-486.
Bushaw-Newton KL, Ewers E (G), C. S. Fortunato (U) CS, Ashley JT, D. Velinsky DJ, SE MacAvoy. 2012. "Bacterial community profiles from sediments of the Anacostia River using metabolic and molecular analyses." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19 (4): 1271-1279.
Note: Graduate students are marked with (G) and undergraduate students are marked with (U).
Faculty news:
Dr. Knee's autobiographical sketch recently appeared in "Women in Oceanography: A Decade Later", a special issue of the journal Oceanography. This issue focuses on the strides woman have made in the field of oceanography, the challenges they continue to face, and their diverse life stories and fields of research.
Dr. Brakel was appointed by Mayor Vincent C. Gray in August 2014 to represent the District of Columbia on the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin. The Commission, established in 1940, promotes regional and interstate cooperation to enhance, protect and conserve the water and associated land resources of the Potomac River and its tributaries.
Dr. Cheh and colleagues published a paper titled “Probing the nature of AFEX-pretreated corn stover derived decomposition products that inhibit cellulase activity” in the journal Bioresource Technology, 152, 38-45 (2014).