Embrace a well paid, intensive yet enjoyable career by undertaking this comprehensive and practical course. It is delivered by live distance learning and presented by some of the leading Plant Engineering instructors in the world today. There is now a critical shortage of senior Plant Engineers around the world due to retirement, restructuring and rapid growth in new industries and technologies.
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- EEA £ 4, 395 per year
- International £ 5, 895 per year
The Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques provides the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to conduct effective ecological field surveys for a range of key taxa and to analyse field survey data with confidence.
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- National $ 89 per module
- International $ 89 per module
In 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that "warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level." Representing a consensus of hundreds of scientists, the report went on to note that human activity is "very likely" the cause.
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- International £ 295 per year
This tutor-led ecological statistics course provides a thorough introduction to the key statistical principals and methods used by ecologists and field biologists. It will appeal to a variety of practitioners in environmental science and management who want to improve their ability to display ecological data, and to use descriptive and inferential statistics to analyse the results from field surveys.
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- National £ 2, 300 per module
- International £ 2, 300 per module
The Undergraduate Advanced Diploma in Historic Environment is a part-time research-based course which offers students the opportunity to undertake supervised independent study over two academic years, culminating in a dissertation of 10, 000-12, 000 words. Students choose their own research topic and the research proposal is considered when they apply. The format of the course, requiring just seven visits to Cambridge over the two-year period of the course, makes it accessible to students from across the UK and beyond.
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This degree program will produce high-quality graduates with the theoretical knowledge and practical and skills required for employment in fields related to environmental monitoring and management, and ecologically sustainable development. Students will develop a wide range of skills through a combination of theoretical and practical work, including applied problem-solving, communication and teamwork. The program combines the insights of the chemical/biological sciences with those of the humanities/social sciences and other disciplines.
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The degree program aims to produce high quality graduates with the advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for further research or employment in the field of specialisation. In the first year of the program, students develop a broad foundation in biology, chemistry and environmental science and the opportunity to develop practical skills in scientific investigation. Students then build on this foundation with advanced courses in their area of specialisation which enables them to pursue a wide range of career options.
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- National $ 214 per module
- International $ 214 per module
Famed physicist Richard Feynman once said, "Anyone who has been in a thunderstorm has enjoyed it, or has been frightened by it, or at least has had some emotion. And in those places in nature where we get an emotion, we find there is generally a corresponding complexity and mystery about it."
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- National $ 129 per module
- International $ 129 per module
You will see how attitudes toward children gradually improved, due mostly to the efforts of physicians and religious leaders. And you will appreciate the tremendous contribution that two renowned philosophers, John Locke (16321704) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (17121778), have made to the field of child development. Their ideas about childrenwhether they are inherently good or bad, or whether they actively shape their environments or passively react to stimulistill form much of the basis of our modern theories.
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- National $ 24, 000 per year
- International $ 24, 000 per year
Gain insight into critical environmental factors affecting air, water, climate, and ecosystems. In this masters degree program, you learn to evaluate and design practices, technologies, and systems that bring sustainable solutions to communities and organizations.
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