Please contact the Advancement Office if you are interested in helping to support HES, or if you are an alumnus.
University of Missouri
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Office of Advancement
122 Gwynn Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
HES External Relations and Alumni Relations
Please contact the External Relations and Alumni Relations Office if you are an alum or member of the press.
University of Missouri
College of Human Environmental Sciences
External Relations
Director, Amy Sanders
122B Gwynn Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
HES Research & Graduate Studies
University of Missouri
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Office of Research & Graduate Studies
Associate Dean, Dr. Sandy Rikoon
118 Gwynn Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
HES Dean's Office
University of Missouri
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Office of the Dean
Dr. J. Sanford (Sandy) Rikoon, Interim Dean
102 Gwynn Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
If you are interested in employment in the College of Human Environmental Sciences, please refer to the University of Missouri job posting site at: . MU Human Resource Services personnel will gladly answer your questions.
The College of Human Environmental Sciences does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, disability, status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, or sexual orientation.