Journal description
The areas of environmental science and environmental (bio)technology are broad, multidisciplinary, fast growing and extremely active. During the last twenty years, an overwhelming amount of data has become available and a panoply of discoveries has been made. It is almost impossible to keep up to date on current developments in these areas. Moreover, there is a definite need to distil the quintessence out of this information, to synthesise the research progress and to identify the achieved advances in science and technology. This is the rationale behind Re/Views in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology. The journal will have two distinct sections: a section containing short reviews (Views) expressing scientific opinions on topics and trends as well as a section containing comprehensive critical evaluations (Reviews) of research efforts and technical realizations in particular areas. The main purpose of the journal is twofold: to enable the reader to keep up to date on developments and to present a view of where the developments in environmental science and biotechnology will lead to. Re/Views in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology will be the only journal in the field to facilitate its readers this way. As such, it will help to define the scope of research activities and identify novel areas of process implementation as well as priority areas of science policy- and decision-makers. Fields of interest: The fields to be covered in the journal comprise effects, treatment and management of pollution of fresh or seawater, wastewater, air, solid waste, soil and sediments. The pollutants discussed can be organic, nutrients, sulphurous compounds, metals or abiotic conditions. Contributions can include discussions of fundamental or applied aspects, analytical techniques, biological, physical or chemical degradation/removal methods, toxicity, pathogens, kinetics, cell immobilization, bioreactor design, bioremediation, clean production processes, EMAS systems, or social acceptance of environmental (bio)technology. Audience: Primarily, this journal will be of interest to scientists working in departments of Environmental Science, Engineering, Microbiology, Aquatic Chemistry, Chemical Technology, as well as those working in the professional sector.
Impact Factor Rankings
2016 Impact Factor | Available summer 2017 |
2014 / 2015 Impact Factor | 3.333 |
2013 Impact Factor | 2.263 |
2012 Impact Factor | 2.34 |
2011 Impact Factor |
Impact factor over time
Impact factor
Additional details
5-year impact | 0.00 |
Cited half-life | 6.40 |
Immediacy index | 0.29 |
Eigenfactor | |
Article influence | |
Website | |
Other titles | Re/views in environmental science and bio/technology (Online), Reviews in environmental science and biotechnology, Environmental science and biotechnology |
ISSN | 1572-9826 |