The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists® certifies qualified environmental scientists recommended by peers in their field of specialty as Board Certified Environmental Scientists through certification procedures prescribed by the Academy's Bylaws.
Minimum Requirements for Board Certified Environmental Scientist (BCES)
Each candidate for certification as a Board Certified Environmental Scientist is required to possess certain minimum qualifications.
All candidates shall:
- Be persons of good moral character and of high ethical integrity and professional standing, as determined by the American Academy of Environmental Scientists Certification Board (AAESCB).
- Possess a degree in environmental science or related science degree acceptable to the AAESCB.
- Be professionally engaged in environmental science activities on a full time basis.
Through a combination of credentials review, examinations, and assessment of work experience a judgment is made regarding qualification for specialty certification. This work is entrusted primarily to the Academy's Admissions Committee and staff. However, the final decision to grant a certificate rests with the Board of Trustees of the Academy. The process is completed when the person deemed worthy of certification accepts the certificate and the responsibilities that certification entails.
Experience Requirements
Candidates applying for certification by Written Examination and Peer Review shall have had at least eight (8) years of progressively responsible experience following receipt of a baccalaureate degree, of which four (4) years shall have been in responsible charge of work at a level acceptable to the AAESCB in one or more of the designated environmental science specialties.
A Master's and a Ph.D each count as 1.5 years towards the 8-year requirement for a maximum of 3 years. The years of work and education may not overlap.
Candidates applying for certification without written examination must have had at least sixteen (16) years of progressively responsible environmental science experience following receipt of baccalaureate degree, of which twelve (12) years shall have been in responsible charge of work at a level acceptable to the AAESCB in one or more of the designated environmental science specialties.
Qualifying experience includes active and responsible participation and involvement in design, management, research, administration, or teaching primarily in one or more fields of environmental science.
Available Specialties
By obtaining certification, you demonstrate competence through comprehensive written and oral examinations in one or more of the following specialties:
- Air Resources
- Environmental Biology
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Microbiology
- Environmental Toxicology
- Groundwater and the Subsurface Environment
- Hazardous Waste Management and Site Remediation
- Solid Waste Management
- Surface Water Resources
- Sustainability Science