What was the title of the book Rachel Carson wrote?
- Quiet Days in Clichy
- Silent Spring
- The Quiet American
Today the world population is about 6 billion people. But how many lived on earth at the time of birth of Christ?
- 15 million
- 150 million
- 1.500 million
Could acid rain be considered to have a...
- global impact
- regional impact
- local impact
Why are some pollutants only acting locally?
- They detoxify before long
- They are lacking mechanisms for large scale distribution
- They are not polluting when diluted
Which was the first National Park in the world?
- Yellowstone, USA
- Abisko, northern Sweden
- Dovre, central Norway
What is an ecological footprint?
- The area occupied by an Ecco shoe.
- The area for food, space, fibers and waste for one human being
- An EU-measurement
Which was the first country in the East bloc to incorporate an environmental protection goal in its constitution?
- Romania
- Hungary
- Czechoslovakia
Is reindeer herding a sustainable strategy?
- No, it used to be but it is no longer.
- Yes, the reindeer utilize resources otherwise unused.
- Yes, reindeer are environmental friendly.
Sustainable development means that:
- Societies last longer.
- Allows for long-term use of natural resources.
- The perpetual growth of companies.
In the future knowledge on environmental problems will be of limited value.
- True, all major environmental problems will be solved.
- No, knowledge on good healh and food for all is much more important.
- Yes, managing protecting and resoring the environment is an essential part of the future.
Source: www.balticuniv.uu.se

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