- Aqueous Processing of Atmospheric Organic Particles in Cloud Water Collected via Aircraft Sampling
Environmental Science & Technology
Boone, Laskin, Laskin, Wirth, Shepson, Stirm, and Pratt2015 49 (14), pp 8523–8530
Abstract: Cloudwater and below-cloud atmospheric particle samples were collected onboard a research aircraft during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) over a forested region of Alabama in June 2013. The organic molecular composition of the samples was ...
- Oil Biodegradation and Oil-Degrading Microbial Populations in Marsh Sediments Impacted by Oil from the Deepwater Horizon Well Blowout
2015 49 (14), pp 8356–8366
Abstract: To study hydrocarbon biodegradation in marsh sediments impacted by Macondo oil from the Deepwater Horizon well blowout, we collected sediment cores 18–36 months after the accident at the marshes in Bay Jimmy (Upper Barataria Bay), Louisiana, United ...
- Photosensitizing and Inhibitory Effects of Ozonated Dissolved Organic Matter on Triplet-Induced Contaminant Transformation
2015 49 (14), pp 8541–8549
Abstract: Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is both a promoter and an inhibitor of triplet-induced organic contaminant oxidation. This dual role was systematically investigated through photochemical experiments with three types of DOM of terrestrial and aquatic ...
- We Should Expect More out of Our Sewage Sludge
2015 49 (14), pp 8271–8276
Abstract: Sewage sludge and biosolids production and management are a central component of water and sanitation engineering. The culmination of previous incremental technologies and regulations aimed at solving a current treatment problem, rather than developing ...Sewage sludge and biosolids production and management are a central component of water and sanitation engineering. The culmination of previous incremental technologies and regulations aimed at solving a current treatment problem, rather than developing the practice for the higher goals of sustainability have resulted in sludge becoming a economic and social liability. Sludge management practice must shift from treatment of a liability toward recovery of the embedded energy and chemical assets, while continuing to protect the environment and human health. This shift will require new research, treatment technologies and infrastructure and must be guided by the application of green engineering principles to ensure economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
- Environmental Benefits and Burdens of Phosphorus Recovery from Municipal Wastewater
2015 49 (14), pp 8611–8622
Abstract: The environmental benefits and burdens of phosphorus recovery in four centralized and two decentralized municipal wastewater systems were compared using life cycle assessment (LCA). In centralized systems, phosphorus recovered as struvite from the solids ...
- Metagenomic Investigation of Viral Communities in Ballast Water
2015 49 (14), pp 8396–8407
Abstract: Ballast water is one of the most important vectors for the transport of non-native species to new aquatic environments. Due to the development of new ballast water quality standards for viruses, this study aimed to determine the taxonomic diversity and ...