- Following Christ, Faith and Life Book 6, Catholics United for Faith, 3rd Edtion (T2306)
- Following Christ, Activity Book, Faith and Life Book 6, Catholics United for Faith, 3rd Edtion (T2306A), Optional
- Following Christ, Resource Book, Faith and Life Book 6, Catholics United for Faith, 3rd Edtion (T2306B), Optional
- St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism #2, Catholic Books Publishing, 1962 (T2233)
- Kolbe Academy Answer Key to the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism #2 (T2233A), Optional
Course Description:
Grade Six Religion draws up a blueprint for a life of love. The law of God, particularly the Ten Commandments, draws us into that life of love. The heart of our life of love is Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, as He comes to us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This year of study relates to the student a plan of action that begins with the understanding of the challenges that God's law places before us. It ends with the understanding that Our Heavenly Father will not leave us without the strengthening gift of His grace, enabling us to meet all challenges.
The material from Baltimore Catechism #2 will overlap in many places with that of the Faith and Life Series. You may choose to follow the framework of the Baltimore Catechism rather than that of the Faith and Life Series, which is followed in this outline, but you should choose one and only use the other for supplementary material. The sections listed from the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism #2 are repeated in other years. Repetition is essential for mastery, so it would be best to cover this material in all years. If time constraints prevent doing so, however, this material can be set-aside for later years.
There are suggested topics for reports for each quarter that can be used if you choose. There are many wonderful activities at that can be used in conjunction with the lessons in this book.
Texts Used:
- Catholic National Reader, Book Six (T1866)
- Kolbe Guide to the Catholic National Reader, Book Six (T1866A)
Grade Six Reading brings the student to literature in a deeper, more rigorous fashion than previous reading courses. Classic poems and fragments of larger works are included in the National Catholic Reader. The course is comprised of two parts: the Catholic National Reader and outside reading. Between these, the student will be introduced to the world as seen in literature and in the minds of others.
The Catholic National Reader (CNR), Book Six is the primary reader for this level. The is quite challenging; it is not unusual for a student to be reading the book that is a year below his grade level. Consequently, we have selected a limited number of passages to be covered. Encourage the student to read even the ones that are not assigned as evening reading for pleasure.
- Phonics Level F, Pearson Education, 2012 (T1206)
- Kolbe Academy Answer Key to Phonics Level F, 2012 (T1206B) – optional
- Resource Manual for Phonics Level F, 2012 (T1206A) – optional
Grade Six Phonics continues to help the student grow more sophisticated in his use in the skills developed from the previous phonics courses. Study of vowel digraphs, diphthongs, prefixes, roots, compound words, syllabication, and suffixes expand the student's ability to read, write and speak with expanded phonics skills.
Phonics Level F is quite self-explanatory and the child should be able to complete most of the work with very little help. The course has been shown as a daily subject, but you may condense it into a two-day or even a one-day a week subject as long as the student is doing well and understanding the material. The last three pages of the workbook contain Definitions, General Rules, and Syllabication Rules that can be very helpful in all areas of the language arts. Much in the word study book reinforces what the student learns in English and Spelling. Because children sometimes forget, this is a good thing.
- Lepanto Grammar 6 (Voyages in English 6), (T1006A)
- Lepanto Grammar 6 (Voyages in English 6), Teacher's Edition (T1006B)
Sixth Grade English is designed to teach students to speak and write correctly and effectively. It will also emphasize, secondarily, training in the social graces, which are necessary for effective communication.
This course plan concentrates on Part Two of the Voyages in English book, which is Grammar. The teaching of English should be cumulative. In Grade Six the student will review what he learned in previous grades and build on it. Everything learned in English should be applied and reinforced in the student's reading, composition, spelling, and vocabulary. A dictionary is recommended for use in this course. The student should diagram sentences in exercises as he proceeds through the work. There are many exercises in the back of the book following the Index that can be used if time permits for reinforcement. The daily work should include memorization of fundamental rules of grammar.
Note that Part One of Voyages in English, which is Composition, is not used in this course. Composition is studied in Kolbe Academy 's Vocabulary and Composition course using Sadlier-Oxford Composition Workshop series.
- Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop, Level A, 2005, (T1431)
- Teacher's Manual for Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop, Level A, (T1431A)
- Sadlier Writing Workshop, Level A, 2009, (T1516)
- Teacher's Edition for Sadlier Writing Workshop, Level A, (T1516A)
Grade Six Vocabulary develops the student's capacity to pronounce, spell, use, look up in the dictionary, understand, and remember the definitions of words, their diacritical marks, and syllabication. It also develops the student's ability to work with synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homographs, prefixes, suffixes, roots, denotation, connotation, literal usage, figurative usage, and analogies.