Field operations streamlined and simplified with mobile first approach
LONDON, UK - 12 November 2014: Environmental Scientifics Group (ESG), the UK's leading provider of testing, inspection and compliance services has today announced that it is working with MobileIron (NASDAQ: MOBL) via channel partner Bridgeway, to digitally transform their organisation and move to a true mobile first infrastructure.
ESG provides testing and compliance services to over 5, 000 clients across 25 sites in the UK, operating in a range of industries including law enforcement, infrastructure and construction. ESG has an existing enterprise app operation and required a flexible mobility structure to fit in seamlessly with operations, as their current provider wasn't meeting these needs. Implementing MobileIron allowed the company to gain the benefits of mobility and improve efficiency in its day-to-day corporate activities.
App Momentum
ESG's internal enterprise app platform is vital to operations, improving both efficiency and value to customers. With three apps currently in deployment, the ease at which ESG are now working thanks to MobileIron, this number is set to increase to 10 by this time next year and 25 in three years time.
An example of this and one vital component of the implementation allows ESG employees out in the field to 'go paperless' and securely use their devices for testing and entering data, which can be analysed and displayed in real-time. In addition, ESG clients can access this information instantly rather than wait for paperwork to be filled in, uploaded and then shared.
First Class Support
Deployed across a number of Android, iPhones and Windows Phone devices, MobileIron has been chosen for its simplicity and flexibility in handling the requirements of multiple operating systems independently.
Bridgeway has addressed the security issues common to the migration process with 24-hour assistance and will maintain a permanent level of support. Due to the success and confidence this process has provided the internal team at ESG, it has enabled them to reiterate their commitment to mobility as a critical platform, and will ramp up investment here in the years to come.