1. Geography and the Environment is important to Mankind
Despite living in an increasingly modern and seemingly manufactured world, mankind will forever rely on the environment. Whether it is the ability to grow crops, the capability to stock-pile water or the power to pre-empt natural disasters, the study of our environment and the geography of the planet plays a vital role. By studying the patterns of our planet we may be able to predict potential hazards in the future and therefore help to implement precautions to avoid such results, such as global warming.
2. Potential for Study Abroad
A degree in Geography & Environmental Sciences offers the potential for study abroad, as you can see here on our CUG Course Chooser for Geography with time abroad. Time outside the UK can be invaluable for many students, as it offers vibrant first hand experience of a new climate, thus forcing students to be self reliant while still remaining relevant to their chosen course.
3. Geography & Environmental Sciences is broadly experiential
This means that degrees in Geography & Environmental Sciences are often based on experience-based learning. This involves practical work on a regular basis, which helps balance out the reading-load expected of a university student, and gives students more of a diverse learning experience. Fieldwork is a key skill for Geographers, afterall Geography is the study of the earth, so if you like the sound of a physical element to your degree, Geography or Environmental Sciences may be for you.
4. Transferable skillset
As a subject, Geography relies on good team-work skills, as many projects will be group-based, which is a key facet to hold when working in the outside world. Furthermore, data analysis skills will be developed through years of observing results, which will enhance the individual's ability to identify, comment on and use sets of data effectively.
5. Geography & Environmental Sciences gives you broad career choice
As you will see on our Career Guide for Geography & Environmental Sciences, Geography & Environmental Sciences graduates enjoy free rein over their chosen career path. From Teaching to Tourism, or Military to Marketing, this degree helps develop skills of analysis, team work, computing and many more in order to give graduates the best chance and choice of career paths.
6. Cultural awareness
Inevitably, anything concering Geography and the Environment will involve human behaviour, and the extent to which this behaviour differs in regards to the environment. By studying the geography of a country, you can start to understand why certain cultures farm certain crops, or why a particular set of people design their houses in a particular way. By being exposed to a world of drastically different people, a budding Geographer or Environmental Scientist experiences the rich tapestry of human life.