Publisher: National Research Council Canada, NRC Research Press
Journal description
This new NRC Journal will provide an effective forum for the dissemination of environmental research, encouraging interdisciplinary research collaboration to address the multi-faceted nature of environmental problems. It will address all aspects of environmental engineering and applied environmental science.
Impact Factor Rankings
2016 Impact Factor | Available summer 2017
2011 Impact Factor |
2010 Impact Factor | 0.667
2009 Impact Factor | 0.941
2008 Impact Factor | 0.773
2007 Impact Factor | 0.639
2006 Impact Factor | 0.803
2005 Impact Factor | 0.538
Impact factor over time
Impact factor
Additional details
5-year impact | 0.96
Cited half-life | 4.60
Immediacy index | 0.00
Eigenfactor | 0.00
Article influence | 0.30
Website |
Other titles | Journal of environmental engineering and science (Online), Journal of environmental engineering and science, Revue du génie et de la science de l'environnement
ISSN | 1496-2551
Publisher details
Author can archive a pre-print versionPost-print
Author can archive a post-print versionConditions
On author's personal website or an institutional repository, or their funding body's designated repository Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged (must include NRC Research Press' copyright notice) Author's archived version must not be amended once its accepted for publication Eligible UK authors may deposit in OpenDepot Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used Must link to publisher versionClassification
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Data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The impact factor represents a rough estimation of the journal's impact factor and does not reflect the actual current impact factor. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.