Compiled by Jean-Claude Kader and Kari Taulavuori
The Journal Environmental and Experimental Botany (EEB) aims to develop knowledge about the mechanisms of the adaptation of plants to environmental factors.
In addition to research papers, EEB invites the best authors to write reviews on the main priorities of the Journal.
We have compiled here some of the best reviews published in EEB these recent years.
In this Virtual Special Issue, are presented eighteen papers related to several main scientific areas such as temperature (high or low) (six reviews), salinity and water deficit (four reviews) and heavy metal stresses (five reviews). The three other reviews are devoted to the mechanisms involved in the responses of plants to environment including hormonal pathways.
We hope that this virtual special issue will encourage discussion among experts in these fields and will attract novel and exciting papers in the future issues of The Journal Environmental and Experimental Botany.
Heat tolerance in plants: An overview Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
A. Wahid, S. Gelani, M. Ashraf, M.R. Foolad
How plants sense temperature Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Eric Ruelland, Alain Zachowski
Cold stress effects on reproductive development in grain crops: An overview Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Prince Thakur, Sanjeev Kumar, Jahid A. Malik, Jens D. Berger, Harsh Nayyar
Declining chilling and its impact on temperate perennial crops Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
C.J. Atkinson, R.M. Brennan, H.G. Jones
Adaptive mechanisms of freeze avoidance in plants: A brief update Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Michael Wisniewski, Lawrence Gusta, Gilbert Neuner
Plant growth and mortality under climatic extremes: An overview Original Research Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Shuli Niu, Yiqi Luo, Dejun Li, Shuanghe Cao, Jianyang Xia, Jianwei Li, Melinda D. Smith
Salinity and water deficit stresses
Recent developments in understanding salinity tolerance Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Ismail Türkan, Tijen Demiral
Understanding the significance of sulfur in improving salinity tolerance in plants Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Rahat Nazar, Noushina Iqbal, Asim Masood, Shabina Syeed, Nafees A. Khan
A new perspective of phytohormones in salinity tolerance: Regulation of proline metabolism Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Noushina Iqbal, Shahid Umar, Nafees A. Khan, M. Iqbal R. Khan
What about keeping plants well watered? Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Leonardo O. Medici, Fernanda Reinert, Daniel F. Carvalho, Marcin Kozak, Ricardo A. Azevedo
Heavy metal stresses
Dualities in plant tolerance to pollutants and their uptake and translocation to the upper plant parts Review Article
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Jos A.C. Verkleij, Avi Golan-Goldhirsh, Danuta Maria Antosiewisz, Jean-Paul Schwitzguébel, Peter Schröder