Cool Earth Science Fair Project Ideas |
Why are only some types of packaging recyclable? |
What are the short and long term effects of forest fires? |
Research what your local area might look like in 50 years due to various human environmental factors. |
Study the Earth’s magnetic field. |
What effect do fans have on the temperature in a room? |
Study erosion in your local area. |
Test if modern cars are really better for the environment than older ones. |
Is there a difference between the air you breathe indoors compared to the air you breathe outdoors? |
Study rock formations in your local area. |
What are some possible side effects of diverting a river? |
Other than jewelry, what are diamonds used for? |
Study the size and frequency of waves at a beach. |
Use Mohs hardness scale to test different rocks. |
Research what your country looked like a millions of years ago and how the movement of tectonic plates has affected this. |
Study the locations of volcanoes on Earth. |
What effects might prolonged global warming have on Earth? |
How does a tornado form? |