Arborists are employed by cities to improve urban green space, utilities to maintain power distribution networks, companies to care for residential and commercial properties, as well as many other settings.
Source: Occupational Outlook Handbook
Conservation Scientist
Conservation scientists manage, improve, and protect the country's natural resources. They work with landowners and Federal, State, and local governments to devise ways to use and improve the land while safeguarding the environment. Conservation scientists mainly advise farmers, farm managers, and ranchers on how they can improve their land for agricultural purposes and to control erosion. A growing number of conservation scientists are also advising landowners and governments on recreational uses for the land.
Source: Occupational Outlook Handbook
Environmental Science Technician
Environmental science techniciansperform laboratory and field tests to monitor environmental resources and determine the contaminants and sources of pollution in the environment. They may collect samples for testing or be involved in abating and controlling sources of environmental pollution. Some are responsible for waste management operations, control and management of hazardous materials inventory, or general activities involving regulatory compliance. Many environmental science technicians employed at private consulting firms work directly under the supervision of an environmental scientist.
Environmental Specialist
Environmental scientists conduct research to identify, abate, and eliminate hazards that affect people, wildlife, and their environments. These workers analyze measurements or observations of air, food, water, and soil to determine the way to clean and preserve the environment. Understanding the issues involved in protecting the environment-degradation, conservation, recycling, and replenishment-is central to the work of environmental scientists. They often use this understanding to design and monitor waste disposal sites, preserve water supplies, and reclaim contaminated land and water to comply with Federal environmental regulations. They also write risk assessments, describing the likely affect of construction and other environmental changes; write technical proposals; and give presentations to managers and regulators.
Game Warden
Game Wardens are the law enforcement agents of the state and Federal fish and wildlife agencies. They enforce laws and regulations designed to protect and conserve fish and wildlife. While patrolling assigned areas, wardens may warn, cite, and arrest individuals suspected of violations and may seize the fish, game, and equipment connected with the violation. They collect information and report on the condition of fish and wildlife in a specific area. They may supervise the activities of seasonal workers. Game Wardens employed by the Federal government are known as special agents (wildlife). Game Wardens may have other responsibilities, such as investigating wildlife crop damage and advising owners of preventative measures. They may inspect commercial fishing operations, canneries, processors, and fish markets. They may issue deer hunting licenses, conduct hunter safety training, and assist in controlled hunt planning. They may participate in rescue operations, and may investigate coastal water pollution.