This science fair project is conducted to find out how human activity affect the quality of water in our river channels. The river water will be tested for its acidity, turbidity, as well as for the presence of ammonia and nitrate.
Difficulty: Middle school
Does the pollution in a lake get worse as it gets deeper? Is the water cleaner nearer the surface? Or is it the other way around? This science fair project was conducted to determine how the depth of water can affect the concentration of pollution found in the water. The experiment was done by collecting water samples from a lake at depths of 1 meter, 2 meters 3 meters and 4 meters.
Difficulty: High school
This science fair project was conducted to study the effect of gasoline fumes on plants. The testing was done by placing plants beside a gasoline-filled container for different periods of time and temperatures.
This science fair project was done to observe the effect of using activated carbon to neutralize the effect of pesticides. The science project experiment involved using flies, the pesticide malathion and different concentrations of activated carbon.
The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the efficiency of a carbon filter decreases faster at higher concentrations of chlorine.
The purpose of this experiment was to discover how pollutants of varying concentrations harm aquatic life. I became interested in this topic when looking through a list of ideas. I thought it would be interesting to see what pollutants were the most harmful to aquatic environments. I am also concerned about pollution of our water because I enjoy many water sports including skiing and swimming.
The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the level of certain chemicals in the tributaries to the Yakima River was different in the rural area of the Umptanum Creek compared to the urban area of the Wenas Creek.
To demonstrate what happens in an oil spill, fill a glass bottle two-thirds full of water. Add blue food coloring to make the "ocean."
Difficulty: Elementary school
The purpose of this experiment was to determine if the level of turbidity in water affected the amount of dissolved oxygen. I became interested in this idea because I am interested in water quality and environmental issues. I am interested in water quality because dissolved oxygen keeps fish and other animals alive. The information gained from this experiment could be useful to the fish and wil
The problem with increased CO2 is its affect on global warming. CO2 is not a pollutant but it does trap infrared heat from radiating back into space. This phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect. This global warming then affects global ecosystems by having effects on water vapor and other climate features. If CO2 levels continue to rise, the results to the planet are difficult to gauge. Som